Wednesday, February 12, 4 – 5:30 p.m., Deer Harbor Fire Station

— from Sheila Gaquin for Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee —

The Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee is meeting on Wednesday, February 12 to address the following agenda. The meeting is 4 – 5:30 p.m. at the Deer Harbor Fire Station.

Call to Order

Establish a Quorum

Approval of the minutes from January 8, 2020. .

Chair: Recognize public attendees. Members of the public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.

Old Business/Committee Updates

  1. Summary of special meetings, and discussion of Hamlet Plan Revisions
  2. Parking updates and report on meeting with Colin Huntemer: Mike
  3. Channel Road Pathway plan—Wes & Annemarie

New Business

Public Comment


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