from Bernadette Mason, Orcas Funhouse/Commons

Attention Parents, Grandparents, Mentors, Aunts, Uncles and anyone interested in sharing the past with young people; we are thrilled to be offering a two day series called DECODING THE PAST. This is offered on early out days from school and is a perfect fall activity.

Co-hosted with the Orcas Museum and the Orcas Public Library, we will be delving into the decoding our handwriting by learning to read and write in cursive.

Cursive handwriting is soon to become a lost skill.  Most schools are not teaching it anymore and if people are no longer going to be learning to write it, they will soon become unable to read it. A vital link to our past will become increasingly inaccessible.  The two-day class will offer an efficient way to learn and practice cursive writing.  Included in this will be time at the Orcas Island Historical Museum as well as a session at the Orcas Island Library learning how to research family history.  Cursive writing is the thread weaving it together.

The class is unique in that student and adult (parent, grandparent, mentor,) will be doing this together.  The instructor, Kathi Ciskowski, has taught cursive writing and has a Certificate from the UW in Genealogy and Family History. We will learn how you can use these skills to uncover keys for tracing ancestry. For all of you History Buffs that would like to share this special class with a younger family member don’t let this opportunity pass you by! We will be meeting October 23-24 from 1-4 at the Orcas Museum and the Orcas Public Library. Fee is $20.00 per adult / child team. Sign up on line with the big green button for registration on 

Scholarships available!