By Susan Malins
Crossroad Director

The last event of the Orcas Crossroads Spring Lecture Series is this Sunday, May 23, 2 pm at Orcas Center: “The Undiscovered Ocean: The Sea Surface Hidden in Plain View.”  Speaker and oceanographer Dr. Curtis Ebbesmeyer has been tracking ocean trash for decades.  He is known worldwide for his groundbreaking study of ocean currents, his beachcombers’ associations and for tracking rubber duckies and athletic shoes around the planet.

Sunday’s lecture is bound to be an interesting and lively event. What is the truth about the recent Gulf oil spill?  How do ocean currents transport trash?  What secrets lie within the deep?   We do expect a sell-out crowd on Sunday, so please get your tickets early ($10 at Darvill’s Bookstore or the Orcas Island Library) and plan to arrive by 1:45, if you can. The lecture will be followed by a question and answer period with the audience and a public reception in the Madrona Room.

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