By Susan Malins
Director for the Orcas Crossroads Lecture Series Committee

Are you curious about the Tea Party?  This Saturday a Crossroads “Extra Event” reveals, for the first time, the fascinating results of recent UW dissertation research into the Tea Party.

After driving 5,000 miles to see the movement first-hand, attending rallies and interviewing dozens of Tea Party members around the country, doctoral candidates Damon T. DiCicco and Colin Lingle have arrived at some conclusions, which will be announced this Saturday on Orcas at 3 pm at the new Emmanuel Parish Hall.

The title of the event is The Tea Party Paradox: Everyone’s Right.  Everyone’s Wrong.

Who joins the Tea Party and why?What do Tea Party members say they are most concerned about? What are conservatives and liberals both getting wrong —  and right — about the Tea Party?

DiCicco and Lingle say, “news coverage has told one side of the Tea Party story, but other crucial aspects have been overlooked. It is important to go beyond the controversy and ask what’s really happening, both on the ground and in the news, and why it matters to American politics.”

Diane Berreth will serve as moderator of the event, which includes a question and answer session and a light public reception with the speakers.  This Extra Event is sponsored by the Orcas Crossroads Lecture Series of the Orcas Island Public Library, and tickets are available at the Library, Darvill’s Bookstore and possibly at the door.

(The 3 p.m. event time on Saturday, fits right in between the Solstice Parade and Martin Lund’s One World Music Festival!)

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