— by Margie Doyle —

The San Juan County Council will meet Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 8 and 9 in Friday Harbor this week at the Legislative Hearing Room at 55 Second Street, in Friday Harbor.

The Monday meeting will allow for Citizens Access following the call to order at 9 a.m. The Council will:

  • review the October Farm Conservation Easement with Lincoln Bormann, Director of the Land Bank;
  • take action to approve Orcas Island Historical Museum Revision to Scope of the Work Awarded in 2015 Historical Preservation Grant;
  • discuss the Affordable Housing Work Group Update with Mark Tompkins, Director Health & Community Services.

The Council will then go into Executive Session to discuss matters regarding potential litigation and real estate, with the Monday session scheduled to adjourn at noon.

On Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2016 at its regular meeting, the agenda calls for the announcement of personnel matters:

  • New employee Oscar Rivera, Financial Clerk II, Treasurer’s Office;
  • New employee James Wolf, Human Resource Manager;
  • Recognition of the retirement of Joanne Runyan after over three years of service to San Juan County

Citizens Access Time will precede Public Hearings on two matters that are scheduled to begin at 9:15 a.m.:

  • To Approve States Inn & Ranch Inc., Open Space Farm and Agricultural Conservation Land (FACL) Current Use Application, San Juan Island;
  • To Award Public Facilities Financial Assistance Program (2016 PFFAP Applications) .09 Funds.

The Council will then review the Bond Refunding Draft Ordinance and Schedule Public Hearing for the matter on Aug. 30 (2nd touch)

Victoria Compton, Director of the Economic Development Council will give the EDC’s Annual Report and make its Budget Request.

Mark Herrenkohl, Solid Waste Program Administrator, will present a discussion on the Plastic Bag Ordinance

Other matters on Tuesday’s agenda include:

  • action to approve a Resolution to Appoint Alternate Director to the Washington Counties Risk Pool
  • discussion of the Skagit Transit Connector to the Anacortes Ferry
  • updates from Council members and County Manager

Council Clerk Ingrid Gabriel, will announce Advisory Committee Appointments/ Reappointments:

  •  Appointment of Melissa Guard to the Human Services Advisory Board
  •  Appointment of David Zapalac to Solid Waste Advisory Committee
  •  Reappointment of Terry Turner to Marine Resources Committee

The meeting is scheduled to adjourn at 12 noon.