By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

At their regularly scheduled April meeting, the San Juan County Planning Commission will hear a presentation from the Community Development and Planning Department on the first set of Unified Development Code (UDC) amendments for 2010. This discussion will begin at or after 8:45 am on April 16, 2010 at the Council Chambers in the Legislative building, 55 Second St, Friday Harbor.

The changes that will be considered in the first set of UDC amendments for 2010 include; amending SJCC Chapter 18.30 to consider several requests related to regulations for Land Use Districts; amending SJCC 18.60.230 (Rural Residential Cluster Development) to allow for a maximum of 12 units in a cluster and a maximum size per unit of 2,000 sq ft; amending SJCC Chapter 18.90 to consider several requests related to legislative actions and site specific redesignations; amending SJCC 16.55.300 (Sign Regulations for Eastsound); and amending SJCC Chapter 18.20, definitions associated with the proposed amendments.

Planning Commission hearings on the above items are scheduled for April 16, May 12, and June 18, 2010.

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