A special meeting of the San Juan County Council will convene at 8:45 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 15 for a Critical Area Ordinance (CAO) workshop.

During the morning session, reports will be heard from scientist consultants and  county staff  including  Shireene Hale, Community and Development Planning Coordinator, Janice Biletnikoff, Planner III; Dan Nickel, Principal/Environmental Engineer, The Watershed Company.

The Marine Fish and Wildlife Section will be discussed at the workshop. Public Comment will be accepted, followed by Council Discussion and Policy Direction to Staff and Consultants.

In the afternoon session, an insurance risk pool briefing will be followed public hearings on current use applications by Derevensky, Kilsburrow and Ferm.  Other reports include:

  •  Second Quarter Budget Report by  Pete Rose, County Administrator
  •  Legislative Priorities: Pratt
  •  Ferries/FAC/Intermodal:  Rosenfeld
  •  Budget Subcommittee:   Fralick
  •  General Government Subcommittee:  Peterson
  •  Solid Waste Subcommittee: Miller
  •  Plan “B” Solid Waste Program Report
  •  Additional Updates & Discussion Items
  •  Report on Ecosystem Coordinating Board (ESCB) – Peterson

The Council meets in the Legislative Building in Friday Harbor. The meeting starts at 8:45 a.m. and is scheduled to adjourn at 5:30 p.m.