Agricultural sales, CAO Wetlands/Fish & Wildlife and Friday Harbor joint meet

The San Juan County Council will have an early start special meeting tomorrow, Oct. 16, beginning at 8:45 a.m. in the Legislative Hearing Room at 55 Second Street in Friday Harbor.

*Videoconferencing will be available at Lopez and Orcas Libraries.

On the agenda for the special meeting is the approval of the Contract for Lodging Tax Promotions Grantee – Jamie Stephens, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Chair.

At 9:15 a.m. the Council agenda calls for a discussion regarding the Reconsideration of County Code 18.30 Updates Relating to Agricultural Sales, Recycling and Clarification of Terms – Lee McEnery, Planner III

Fifteen minutes later the council will continue deliberations on county code to adopt an Ordinance Regarding Critical Area Regulations for Wetlands and for Fish and Wildlife – Shireene Hale, Planning Coordinator; Jon Cain, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney.

At 11 a.m. the regular meeting will begin, with a joint meeting with the town of Friday Harbor on the agenda at 11:30, including:

  • Introduction of New Administrators
  • Update Regarding County/Town Solid Waste Utility
  • Discussion of Economic Development
  • Discussion of Turn Point/Pear Point Connector Road
  • Discussion of Finding New Ways to Cooperate/Communicate
  • Intergovernmental Contract
  • Discussion of Lodging Tax Use for Tourism Master Plan

Following a lunch recess at 1 p.m., the council will continue deliberations from 2 until 4:30 p.m., when Council members will give updates on their specific areas:

  • Legislative Priorities: Pratt
  • 2013 Legislative Priorities
  • Ferries/FAC/Intermodal: Rosenfeld
  • Budget Subcommittee: Fralick
  • General Government Subcommittee: Peterson
  • Solid Waste Subcommittee: Miller
  • Additional Updates & Discussion Items

*Access to County Council meetings by videoconferencing is offered, however it is not guaranteed due to potential technical difficulties.  Citizen access and public testimony can only be guaranteed by submitting written comments or attending the Council meeting in person in the Legislative Hearing Room, 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor.