Give Orcas: December 2-December 20

— from Lena Kassa for Orcas Senior Center —

Community is all about heart and lending a hand when someone is in need. Fortunately, when Orcas islanders have a need for in-home assistance and companionship, Hearts and Hands is there to help.

And now, Orcas Senior Center’s Hearts and Hands is asking the community for a helping hand.

Selected by the Orcas Island Community Foundation as one of the non-profits for the 2019 Give Orcas Holiday Catalog, Hearts and Hands is launching a whole-hearted campaign to raise awareness of the program – and the work it does – by asking the community to support the program by taking a seat. 

With the help of a wicker settee symbolizing the benefits of mutually beneficial relationships, staff and volunteers will be traveling the island asking friends, businesses, supporters – anyone and everyone willing to participate and have a little fun – to be photographed on the settee.

John Slater, who has coordinated Hearts and Hands for the past year, hopes the community will help propel the program toward much-needed capital.

“We fill the space between independence and home care,” offered Slater, “and we’re delighted to participate in this year’s Give Orcas Holiday Catalog. Won’t you help us reach our goal?

Check and share the Orcas Senior Center (OSC) Facebook page for photos of your friends and neighbors at various spots around the island: from the nostalgic Olga Store, the sublime beauty of Mountain Lake, to the airport and the iconic ferry landing.

Who will be honored this year as the 2019 Holiday Catalog ‘flat person’? Find the link at to cast your ballot and get your  friends, family, mere acquaintances to guess as well. On December 2 when the flat person’s identity is revealed, a name will be drawn from a hat to determine which agency receives $500! With your help, it can be OSC/Hearts and Hands.

On Ben Franklin Day, December 5, the participating non-profit that racks up the largest number of $100 pledges receives a $1000 grant from the foundation. On December 12, the non-profit that accumulates the greatest number of unique donors can receive an additional grant of $1000! Scores and scores of selfies with this year’s flat person cutout can mean two additional grants of $250 each. Help us win these extra prizes and contribute to Orcas Senior Center’s Hearts and Hands program here:

This campaign is all about exposure! The more people we get involved, the greater our chance at success. Help us help our neighbors from feeling isolated and remain independent in their homes by getting you or your business to take a seat for Hearts and Hands; then share, share, share. 

Please contribute to Orcas Senior Center’s Hearts and Hands program December 2 – December 20 here:

Learn more and help Hearts and Hands, visit

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**