Wednesday, October 21, 7 pm, San Juan Island Grange Hall

— from Boyd C. Pratt, San Juan Island Grange —

Fireside Grange ConversationSan Juan Island Grange #966 continues its fall evening program series with Conscious Conversation on Agriculture and Nature on Wednesday October 21, 2015 at the Grange Hall. The program begins at 7pm.

The program will begin with ‘The Lighting of the Fire’ in the Hall fireplace to celebrate Fall and the oncome of Winter. Over warm drinks and cookies, we will enjoy an informal conscious conversation, facilitated by Grange Lecturer Lori Ann David, on the relation of Nature to Agriculture—as art, as healer, in its present state, how we live it, and what we expect. Come join us for a relaxed evening of friends sharing ideas and companionship.

For information please contact:

Lori Ann David
2015 Lecturer
San Juan Island Grange #966
378-0233 or 805-452-1397