Sunday, March 26, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m., Emmanuel Parish Hall

— from Sharon Abreu —

Our current political situation is generating so much fear, anger, conflict and chaos, that it can shatter our ability to connect with other people in a positive, empathic way — especially those we disagree with. Yet the only way we can move forward is by having these conversations.

Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz will present a three-hour workshop on The Connection Practice on Sunday, Mar. 26 from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at Emmanuel Parish Hall, 242 Main St. in Eastsound. For the past four years, Sharon and Michael have been learning and teaching techniques to help overcome barriers to communication and increase rapport, even in difficult situations, or with “difficult” people.

In this three-hour workshop, you’ll learn The Connection Practice and then put it into action. The Connection Practice is a powerful tool that can help us:

  • Increase rapport and deepen connections
  • Prevent or resolve conflicts in a way that brings people closer
  • Access our best intelligence for both challenges and celebrations
  • Attain emotional balance, even in times of turmoil and stress

The Connection Practice is non-religious. It is used in businesses, schools, and in the faith community to strengthen our social-emotional skills so we can improve our relationships, productivity, and overall functioning in all our endeavors.

Sliding Scale $10 – $25 Registration Required by Mar. 23. This event is sponsored by Emmanuel Episcopal Church.