We are in the final lap of the race to purchase the Lavender Farm property. This is the 11 acre parcel that is nestled between the Funhouse, Senior Center, and the Fire Hall. The vision is to create a community campus, with a permanent location for the Orcas Island Food Bank and the Orcas Community Resource Center, community gathering space, walking trails and a neighborhood of affordable rental homes provided by OPAL Community Land Trust.

This is a remarkable opportunity and a testament to the collaborative and supportive nature of the many nonprofits participating and our shared desire to keep the community healthy and thriving for all who call Orcas home. This campus will be a central space to connect neighbors and provide services and programs. A large portion will be maintained as open space with trails around the existing wetlands.

We have already received pledges of $1000-$500,000 to help with the purchase. We have one more week to gather additional pledges. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to me or Lisa Byers. We would be happy to have a conversation and give you a tour. Or you can even make a contribution directly, here!

Thank you, and I hope you have a great weekend.