From the Common Sense Alliance

The Common Sense Alliance (CSA), a San Juan County-based community organization focused on environmental protection, community health, and economic vitality, is announcing that it has retained Gradient LLC for expert services related to eco-toxicology and the Critical Areas Ordinances. Gradient has a Seattle office, although they are headquartered in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA.

CSA asked Gradient’s top ecological risk assessor to conduct an independent professional review of key aspects of the record related to the County’s proposed CAO amendments for Wetlands and Fish & Wildlife Habitat. Dr. Tim Verslycke conducted the evaluation. Dr. Verslycke is the author of over 30 peer-reviewed publications in eco-toxicology and risk. In addition to his responsibilities at Gradient, he is Vice President of the Atlantic Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). He is also an investigator on the faculty of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, the largest independent oceanographic institution in the U.S.

Dr. Verslycke has produced a very concise and direct report which concludes (1) that the characterization of risks in our County’s proposed CAOs is not consistent with regulatory guidance, (2) that the proposed buffer sizing procedure is not consistent with Best Available Science and is likely flawed, and (3) that the need for, and effectiveness of, the proposed CAO revisions is unclear.

We invite you to review Dr. Verslcyke’s report, which is available on the homepage of the CSA website and at this link.