Open House Tuesday, September 22, from 2 – 4 p.m. and 5 – 7 p.m.

— from Alexander Conrad for the Orcas Library Board of Trustees —

Concept drawing for expansion of the Orcas Public Library

Concept drawing for expansion of the Orcas Public Library

The Orcas Island Library Board of Trustees selected HKP Architects of Mt Vernon for design work on the expansion project, Books and Beyond: The Next Chapter. Contract negotiations with HKP are now underway. The decision maintains project momentum building towards a planned Summer 2016 groundbreaking ceremony.

HKP’s mission statement reads, “Strength in form, restraint in solution and the use of durable materials.” Based in nearby Mt Vernon, the firm is familiar with Orcas; most notably, HKP designed the current library building, dedicated in 1993, as well as the recent Orcas Historical Museum addition.

“We’re delighted to announce the HKP decision and are excited to welcome them as partners to Books and Beyond: The Next Chapter,” said Library Board President, Donna Riordan. “Their connection to our existing building, combined with a passion for sustainable design, impressed our selection committee and made this important decision a clear choice for our Board.”

The selection of HKP culminates a nearly month-long process managed by the Library’s owner representative, Liz LeRoy. Eight firms responded to the project’s Request for Qualifications, from which an architectural selection committee invited five to Orcas for interviews. Although no Orcas architects applied, David Kau of local firm StoltzKau served on the selection committee, joining Phil Heikkinen, Donna Riordan, Margaret Payne and Liz LeRoy. HKP emerged as the leading candidate through this process and the Library Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the recommendation of the committee.

HKP’s presentation to the selection committee highlighted fidelity with the existing building’s design while incorporating contemporary sustainability features into a complementary expansion footprint. The committee was also impressed by HKP’s design portfolio, which revealed aesthetics very much in harmony with Orcas Island’s rural, artistic character. HKP Architects said it is “thrilled to have been chosen to assist with design of the library expansion and realization of ‘The Next Chapter’ for the library district and community. This means so much to us; for our firm to be a part of the existing building design and to help create a sequel that will bring as much pride and enjoyment as the original. We look forward to a wonderful process and successful project.”

The community is invited to Community Open House and Design Input meetings with HKP, Library Board members and staff. These meetings, open to the public, will be held at the Library on:

Tuesday, September 22, from 2 – 4 and 5 – 7
Tuesday, October 6, from 2 – 4 and 5 – 7