Nancy Southern, who holds a Masters’ Degree in Social Work and is a Personal Energy Management Coach, will offer a four-week class beginning Sept. 9 about self-sabotage behaviors.

Southern, says, “Do you have one or more self-sabotaging habits that limit your ability to have meaningful relationships, be successful in your business, solve everyday problems or realize your dreams?   Self-sabotage is usually caused by one or more of the four universal addictive patterns as defined by Angeles Arrien, PhD.:

1) Addiction to Intensity
2) Addiction to Perfection
3) Addiction to the Need to Know
4) Addiction to What’s Not Working

During this 4-week series you will zero in on which ones are holding you back and systematically reduce or dissolve their influence in various aspects of your life.

For a sample of a tapping session for the universal Addiction to Perfection, listen to an audio recording with Nancy Southern in a recent teleclass:

Class dates are Thursdays, September 9, 16, 23, 30, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in Deer Harbor (Directions provided when you enroll.)

Cost for the class is $150, which includes a private 1 hour session valued at $95) To register, call 360-376-4288 or email

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