A group of citizens from across San Juan County have formed an official Ballot Committee to help gather signatures to place the renewal of the Land Bank on the November 2011 County ballot. Signature-gatherers will be asking their friends, neighbors and other registered voters to sign the Petition that will authorize placing the Land Bank renewal on the November ballot – an election that will be held by mail.

Petitions can also be signed at the following locations:

  • On Lopez: Caffe La Boheme, Isabel’s Espresso and most Saturdays at the Farmers Market.
  • On Shaw: the Shaw General Store.
  • On Orcas: The Orcas Hotel (at the landing), Deer Harbor Marina, Doe Bay Resort and Retreat, Crow Valley Pottery (Eastsound), Peter Fisher Photography (Eastsound), Orcas Homegrown Market & Deli, and the Farmers Market.
  • On San Juan: Acanthus Fine Antiques & Decorative Arts, Café  Demeter,  Island Bikes and Market Chef.

A website, www.RenewOurLandBank.org, has been established to help inform and communicate with San Juan citizens about the goals of the petition drive and the membership of the ballot committee and includes other useful information and links. Additionally, the website contains answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning the Land Bank and the renewal effort, and provides opportunities for citizens to ask their own questions, volunteer to help and contribute financially to support the effort to renew the Land Bank.

Renew Our Land Bank is a group of residents who care passionately about the San Juan County Land Bank and want to keep it working for all of us. The group is independent of the Land Bank and supported solely by private donations. While the real work is done by dozens of members of our community, Renew Our Land Bank is organized by six coordinators,  Sally Reeve and Tom Reeve on Lopez Island; Harvey Himelfarb and Dave Zoeller on Orcas Island and Pamela Gross and Dave Zetetzke on San Juan Island.

For more information, visit www.RenewOurLandBank.org.

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