From the State Economic Development Council

James McCafferty, Business Advisor for Economic Development Association of Skagit County announces several free workshops for San Juan County residents and others this month. He says, “January is a great month to give your business a check-up.  Here’s a list of things for you to think about this month:

1) Consider your goals for this next year and break them into by the month measurable accomplishments.Hang it where you will see it.

2) Review your financials – both income and expense. How will these change this next year?  Consider having us conduct ratio analysis to compare your business with your industry.

3) Review your marketing.  What is working and what is not?  Determine your acceptable return on investment for each marketing expense.

4) Review your business plan – you do have one and know where it is right?  How are you doing?  Make sure your plan is up to date and is focused on the next two to three years (need help?

5) Check you score – your credit score.  There has been an increase in the number of reporting errors, make sure you don’t have any on your credit report.

6) Extend – are your customers looking to buy something that you don’t offer?  Simple surveys and discussions may increase your bottom line by simply selling more to your existing customers.

1/11 – Planning and Financing a Business. A three and a half hour odyssey of what it takes to start and maintain a high performing business.  From financing to business plans this is a must do for anyone who has recently started or is considering to launch a business.  FREE! 1:00pm – 4:30pm.  Refreshments provided.

1/14 – IRS Small Business Tax Workshop. Small business workshops are designed to help the small business owner understand and fulfill their Federal Tax responsibilities. Workshops are sponsored and presented by IRS partners who are Federal Tax specialists. Workshop topics vary from a general overview of taxes to more specific topics such as recordkeeping and retirement plans.  Learn what every small business needs to know about filling and paying federal taxes, and how to avoid the most common tax reporting errors. Find out what taxes to pay and when they are due!  $10 member, $20 non-members.  1:00pm – 5:00pm.    Refreshments provided.

1/27 – Preventing Fraud in Your Business. This is truly a topic where an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of the cure.  Do you know what to look for in your business to identify possible fraud?  Would it shock you to know that there are many easy ways for those hard earned dollars to be diverted from your bottom line?  Join in this discussion with a Certified Fraud Examiner to learn where to put your efforts in protecting your business.  $10 member, $20 non-members.  Noon – 1:300pm.    Lunch provided.

McCafferty says, “Remember…  unless otherwise listed all workshops are at the EDASC offices at 204 West Montgomery.  Register on-line at least 24 hours (although, why wait – do it now!) before the workshop at

For further information, call McCafferty at 360-336-6114 Office, or 360-542-4024 Direct.

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