By Ralph Gutschmidt

The Eagle Forum of San Juan County presents a Town Hall this Thursday from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
(so people can take the interisland from other islands).

The Town Hall will be a review of the proposal before voters about the County Charter Review. The Charter form of county government was established by voters in 2006; a review in five years was required and the Charter Review Committee was voted in last November. They met weekly through May and finalized their recommendations for the ballot in June.

Gordy Peterson, chair for the Charter Review Committee, will be reviewing the proposal on the Novembver ballot, along with elected Charter Review Committee members Moana Kutsche, Leonard Woods, Larry Hendel, Janice Peterson, Stephen Garrison and Ralph Gutschmidt. Also, all County Council persons are invited to share their viewpoint.

So, reserve the date July 26th!