Sunday, December 6, 11:30 am, Benson Hall

— from Suzanne Olson & Susan McBain —

Please join the UU Chalice Circle discussion on Sunday, Dec. 6, at 11:30 in Benson Hall. Our topic will be, what is winter to each of us?

Thoughts to consider:

  • Winter for me means cold, rain, dark, and loneliness.
  • Winter means cuddling by the fireplace on a cold rainy day and drinking hot chocolate.
  • The feeling of the world in solemn sleep all around you, crisp, clean, and pure.
  • Winter is wet and cold and a pain in the ass.
  • Winter is lights and laughter and having a great, happy holiday with people you love. It’s my favorite time of the year.
  • Winter is a time of introversion, contemplation and going within.

Come talk about what winter means to you. You are invited to bring something that represents winter to you to add to our altar. All are welcome.

Potluck to follow at 12:30 in Benson Hall – please bring FINGER FOOD to share

NEXT SERVICE: Thursday, December 24th @ 3pm in Benson Hall – Howard Barbour reads “A Child’s Christmas in Wales.” Carols and cookies to follow.

Please let us know if you need a ride – or have any other needs that the Fellowship may be able to help with. Kathy Hendrickson is our Caring Coordinator. Contact her ( when you need a hand.

Hope to see you on Sunday!