— by Carol Kulminski —

Celebrate Recovery normally meets every Friday in the Orcas Senior Center (62 Henry Road Eastsound), however this Friday April 24, due to a scheduling conflict, Celebrate Recovery will be meeting in the public meeting room at Station 21 (45 Lavender Lane, Eastsound WA 98245). A light meal will be served at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. This week will be “Chip Night” with a testimony. Afterwards there will be a small group meeting and cake to celebrate.

Celebrate Recovery is a faith based 12-step program open to everyone. The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to allow us to become free from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. The program helps with a wide range of issues from stress, divorce, grief, chemical dependency, co-dependency, eating issues, physical/sexual/emotional abuse or any other hurts or habits.

This is a safe environment where people can share without fear of judgment or interruption. Anonymity and confidentiality are emphasized and everything that is said in the meetings is considered private and not to be shared outside of the meetings.

You can also get more information about Celebrate Recovery on Orcas via email at Celebrate.Recovery.Orcas@gmail.com or you can phone Paul at 360-376-3273.