Tuesday, July 16, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Knapp Farm

— from Caroline Buchanan —

We see green trees, gardens, fields all around us but why is it that so many, when they try to paint these greens run into trouble?  Join Caroline Buchanan in an outdoor class, The Green Problem, on Tuesday, July 16. You will learn to see the different colors that make up “green” and learn how to mix to these colors and paint them. The workshop is at Knapp’s farm on Buckhorn Road.

On the historic farm, there is plenty to choose from and we will do a series of small studies of different areas. There are greens that surround the pond, magnificent firs, as well as madronas and alders. There are greens in deep shade, greens in sunlight, greens of species with  other hues that mix in and give the greens context.

The day, equipment suggestions, and directions are all on Caroline’s website, www.buchananwatercolors.com. The class is 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.; a packed lunch is suggested.