Pop-up modern & contemporary art gallery, MUST, presents their most noteworthy exhibit to date in collaboration with HALO: “Botanical Origins” featuring two widely celebrated local artists, painter Susan Singleton and ceramicist, Annie Sparks-Burke. The mixed media art installation opens with a free-to-the-public evening event on Friday, August 16th at 6 PM. Wine and artwork will be available for purchase. The Kitchen will be on site with farm-to-table pan-Asian food available.

The show is deeply reflective of the origins of seeds highlighting an interconnectedness within our natural world and galaxy. The show explores botanical energy and embraces the beauty in imperfection of the human hand. The show presents Singleton and Sparks-Burke in a conceptually driven, highly symbolic, evocative, soothing and mysterious story rich with the vastness of universal elements at play begging the viewer to surrender to an ethereal sophistication. The show creatively applauds “wabi-sabi” as a means to elevate the reality around us all-to transcend and call it home. It presents as a juxtaposition of raw, curious, seemingly simple, inspiring and moving. The exhibition leaves a lingering sense of romance and renewed appreciation for what is.

Susan Singleton’s inspiration springs from the natural world with its intricate simplicity, balance, textures, scale and light. Using handmade papers and paint, she builds her artwork as layered architectural surfaces, each piece a unique portal recording time, light and air. Her large-scale Ziggurats and other works of art have been included in Smithsonian Institute artist collaborations, and graced the lobbies and walls of some of the most beautiful hotels, museums, galleries, and private residences around the world.

Annie Sparks-Burke is a ceramicist and sculptor. Her sculptures appear delicate, poetic, and as if suspended in time. They invite the viewer to look closer and examine every bend, twist, and texture, bringing you into Annie’s perspective of the natural world.

“When I was a child the most magical place to spend an afternoon was in the garden or floating on a log in the tide. During long days of unstructured play I developed a curiosity and observation of nature. Working with clay is sensuous, the mineral smells and textures connect me to my first experiences of my environment. This is my moving meditation. Through my art practice, I find my resilience and curiosity for life.”

All Annie’s ceramics are hand-sculpted, coiled or wheel thrown. Each piece is unique. Annie’s work has recently been featured in the 1,000 Vases show in Paris, France.

For private viewings and art inquiries, please email Tera Andaya: hello@orcasislandwinery.com. Must is a conceptual pop-up gallery located on Orcas Island with art curated by gallerist and founder Tera Andaya. HALO is a non-profit dedicated to raising the visibility of Orcas Island Fine Artists and inspiring the next generation of emerging artists. www.wearehalo.org/must

A percentage of proceeds will be donated to Friends of the San Juans in gratitude for their 45 years of protecting our forests, farmlands, and seas. Orcas Island Winery / Must Gallery: 2371 Crow Valley Road


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