San Juan County will release a public review draft of the Best Available Science synthesis for San Juan County Critical Areas on January 18, 2011.

The draft includes chapters on scientific information associated with wetlands; upland and marine fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas; frequently flooded and geologically hazardous areas; and alternatives for managing stormwater to prevent adverse impacts to Critical Areas.
The County is compiling and will post questions and answers on the information presented in the draft synthesis on its web site. Questions should be forwarded to

In addition, the County Council and Planning Commission will hear presentations from the scientists who prepared the document, and will accept public comment at joint meetings scheduled February 8 and 9 at the Mullis Senior Center, 589 Nash Street in Friday Harbor. The meetings begin at 8:45 a.m.
When the review is complete, the Council will approve the final document for use in guiding update of the County’s Critical Area regulations.

Periodic reviews and updates of those regulations are required by the State Growth Management Act. Copies of the draft and associated maps will be posted on the CAO documents web page.

For more information contact Janice Biletnikoff at 370-7572.