My co-worker recently shared a picture of the first red currant flower he’s seen this year. (above) It was a joy to receive that photo as it reminded me that spring is around the corner. So this morning, whilst enjoying my first cup of coffee, I purposely listened for another harbinger of spring, “Oh me, pretty, pretty me.” 

The first bird call I ever learned belongs to the White-crowned Sparrow – all thanks to my friend and colleague, Raena Robertson, who introduced me to birding via the Great Backyard Bird Count years ago. February 18-21, 2022 marks the 25th anniversary of the annual global 4-day event, and in celebration of their silver jubilee, I asked a few of my co-workers to share their favorite local viewing spots with you.

Erin Halcomb, Stewardship Coordinator
My favorite place to watch birds in the County changes with the season! Right now, I most enjoy going out to Third Lagoon on San Juan Island. There, looking out toward Griffin Bay, I’ve admired Black Oystercatchers and Red-breasted Mergansers. In the lagoon, I’ve seen a flock of Green-winged Teal and often a Belted Kingfisher rattles overhead.

Kayla Seaforth, Field Assistant
Although I don’t identify as a “birder” per-say, Turtleback Mountain Preserve on Orcas Island is always fun for habitat diversity. It’s rocky balds, forests and wetlands attracts a variety of species. And I love the Surf scoters and other seabirds along Crescent Beach Preserve, as well as the American dippers at Coho Preserve.

Charlie Behnke, Agriculture Coordinator & Field Steward 
Oh, really hard to choose favorites! Lets see, on San Juan Island I enjoy Zylstra Lake Preserve for waterfowl, but you can also find great songbirds and raptors along the Preserve’s upland trails. If seabirds are your thing, head to the Westside Preserve Corridor. American Camp and South Beach has a bit of everything. Most recently the Northern Saw-whet Owl has been seen ducking and diving along the South Beach Trail.

Amanda Wedow, Lopez Island Preserve Steward
I don’t know that I have a favorite, but Fisherman Bay Preserves on Lopez Island never disappoint! Great blue heron are majestic, and hard to miss, along The Tombolo versus the smaller, ground-dwelling Killdeer at Weeks Wetland. I’m hosting a birdwatching walk along The Spit on Saturday, February 26. Join me and maybe we’ll see some Bufflehead. I know Tanja gets excited when she spots those!