Would you like to be a vendor at this year’s Fidelis Flea Market in West Sound?  You can reserve a table for only $20. You keep all of your sales. You can get a table for yourself, as a group, or share with another person. Reserve your table now by calling Margot Shaw at 3441 or email her at mshaworcas@yahoo.com

Look for that treasure at Fidelis Market

The Fidelis Circle womenʼs group in West Sound is sponsoring this event, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdaym Feb. 12,  to raise funds for its annual High School Graduation Recognition Awards given to several West Sound high school seniors. A delicious lunch will be available prepared by Christina Orchid! There will also be sealed bid auction items.

Don’t miss it! Come and have fun, do lunch, and find that treasured item you have always been looking for at the Fidelis Flea Market at the West Sound Community Hall!

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