This post has been updated.


The San Juan County Auditor is seeking volunteers to write opposing arguments to ballot measures in the November 2021 General Election. The arguments will be published in print and online versions of the Voters’ Pamphlet.

Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District is proposing a tax levy of $.081201 cents per $1,000 assessed value to generate $105,000 for the tax year 2022. The levy will support operations and capital improvements for the District.

The San Juan Island Hospital District is proposing a levy lid lift to $0.70 per $1,000 assessed value. The levy will be used to acquire a long-term care facility, as well as to maintain and improve the health care and emergency medical services of the district.

The San Juan County Charter Review Committee is sending six proposed Home Rule Charter amendments to the ballot:

  1. Intro to Charter: Acknowledgment, Preamble, and Declaration of Community Values
  2. Term Limits for Council Members
  3. Climate and Environment Commission
  4. Initiatives and Referendums
  5. Nondiscrimination in the Exercise of County Powers and Performance of its Duties
  6. Justice, Equity, and Inclusion Commission

The proposed amendments for all districts can be found, in full length, at All measures have “pro” committees and are in need of “con” committees to supply statements against the measures.

Each committee may have up to three members, though members may seek the advice of any number of people to assist in developing the statements. Each committee’s statement must be submitted to San Juan County Elections no later than August 20.

If interested in serving on one of the committees, please contact San Juan County Auditor, Milene Henley by August 10, at or (360) 370-7558.