Saturday, October 1 – Sunday, October 2, 1 – 4 p.m., Madrona Room –  by appointment

— from Susannah Weaver —

spamalotOrcas Center will hold auditions for the award winning musical Monty Python’s Spamalot.
Spamalot ran for almost 1,600 performances on Broadway and won 27 awards including “Best
Musical ” in 2005.

Auditions will be held in the Madrona room at Orcas Center on Saturday, October 1 and Sunday, October 2, 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Auditions will be by appointment. There will be an audition signup sheet at Orcas Center. Actors will audition in groups of four people. Each group audition will last about fifteen minutes. The audition will consist of readings from the script, singing, and movement. You can bring a CD with music you want to sing or we’ll find a song that you know. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes and be prepared to move. People of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to audition. Spamalot has mild adult language and themes and may not be appropriate for some younger actors.

There are over 125 roles in Spamalot. We anticipate casting between 25 and 35 people to play these roles. There are some roles that do not require singing or dancing. Any conflicts that may affect the dates and times you can rehearse will be addressed during auditions.

For most people there will be one rehearsal a week between mid October and the end of the year. During this period actors will memorize lines, learn the songs they will sing and work on some of the dance numbers in the show. Additional rehearsals will be added in January. Times and days of rehearsals will be determined after casting. Spamalot opens on Thursday, March 16 and closes Saturday, March 25. There are six performances on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

If you can’t make either of the auditions or need additional information contact the Director,
Doug Bechtel, at 317-5601. A copy of the Spamalot script and music will be available at the