A classic adaptation by John D. Ravold, directed by Robert Hall on the OffCenter stage, will open on October 28 and run through November 6 and feature a cast of ten local actors, including both teens and adults.

The cast of characters are: the four March sisters — Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth; their mother, Marmee and father, Mr. March; the neighbor lad, Laurie; Meg’s husband, Mr. Brooke; Aunt March; and Jo’s eventual loving husband, Professor Bhaer. Descriptions of these characters may be found at www.orcascenter.org.

Auditions will be held Sunday, September 5, from 2-4 pm and on Monday, September 6 from 6-8 pm in OffCenter at Orcas Center. There is a sign-up sheet outside the main lobby doors at Orcas Center for specific audition times. Those that just want to drop by and audition may do so and will audition on a first-come first-served basis.

If you would like to volunteer to work back stage or on sets and costumes, please call Sparks at 376-2281 ext. 2 or email sparks@orcascenter.org.

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