In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

Have Something Left

Could use a skull like a woodpecker
so when it comes time to rest
that nappy that knotty that catkin noggin
Have something left
to rest on plateau Navajo at Four Corners supraclavicular
triangle where the heart shows
windshield wiper
pieizo thub its birdcage beat
under mandible mantle furred starry tested
suspense sush sush sshh hush
Comes a time to rest something
deep seeded in bucket seat four door low rider
jacked pocked and slung
where speaker sets mark
membrane tremor messages patellar electric sluice
piezio thum tensile and pendant
so tender sets in keen on tendon ache ligament strife
over the shoulder
tightpacked quiver gravid and grave slipping
arrows out in sparkler arcs
rabbit twisting chrysanthemum shower
Coming to rest
a skull like a woodpecker a double boiler affair
for careful and melt
for abandon to pooling in welds bright bath
a second skull inside a skull
where in library hush shh shh a patterning thrub revisits
Come to rest a spell
in trees still standing woodpecker necklaced
where hunger hunt leaves marks in Braille of feasting
so roots rest

© K. Secunda