Wednesday, February 15

Anne Garfield serving along side school cafeteria chef, Zach Holley, during her first visit as Celebrity Chef in October 2010.

Where can you get  a lunch of home made calzone, fresh kale salad with dried fruits and cheeses and chocolate pudding cake for just $5.00?   Try the public school cafeteria on February 15 where Anne Garfield will be serving up this delicious meal for our kids and others wishing to partake between 11:30 and 1.

Anne will also be visiting Paula Towne’s food class, about which her students are very excited.  “When a chef of Anne’s caliber takes time out of her busy schedule to spend one-on-one time with our kids who really love cooking and food, it’s a very special thing,” says Madie Murray, Chair of the Farm to Cafeteria Program.

The “Veggie of the Month” at school for February is kale, so appropriately the menu includes a lovely kale salad.  Paula’s food class with Anne will include lessons about the nourishing attributes of kale as well as the many ways it can be enjoyed outside of a salad.   Mandy Randolph’s Farm to Classroom kids will be making baked kale chips as a class project.

“I’m happy to volunteer at the school to share my joy of food,” says Anne.  Being raised in a big family and around older siblings opened her eyes to more than buttered noodles and white bread.   Anne’s keeping the tradition alive by passing along the gifts her older siblings gave to her when she was just eleven.