Tuesday, June 19, 7:30 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center

This past spring, Anita Holladay  traveled for three weeks on her own around the coast of Ireland and Northern Ireland,” seeking out ancient megalithic tombs, braking for holy wells, photographing picturesque cemeteries and ruined churches, visiting the now-deserted Blasket Islands, searching for the Isle of Innisfree and visiting Yeats’ grave, making new friends, and sipping a few pints of Guinness while absorbing the many varieties of traditional music.”

She’ll present a slide show (with music) of her adventures on the “other Emerald Isle” on Tuesday evening at the Orcas Senior Center’s Lundeen Room, and then will end the formal part early and be available to chat with friends who want to hear more.

Donations beyond room fees will be given to Hearts & Hands Program at the Senior Center.

Photographs from her trip, “Ireland from the Edges” are currently exhibited at Washington Federal Savings in Eastsound, weekdays through June
Info: 360.376.2095