The Seattle Foundation has announced that it has secured an additional $25 million from Jeff Bezos. This means that all donations to the Orcas Island Community Foundation’s Community Emergency Response Fund by December 31 and noted “All In WA” will be FULLY matched!

Thanks to your previous support, the Community Emergency Response Fund has been a critical support for this community, providing access to food, shelter, mental health supports, and rent and mortgage relief for hundreds of island families. Because this community responded so generously, when so many jobs were lost locally and the economy faltered, our neighbors who needed help could find it through the Resource Center, the Senior Center, the Schools, the Food Bank, and OPAL. This support was truly life changing for so very many.

Unfortunately, it is clear that the impacts of COVID on our community are not finished. We now anticipate needing to provide essential supports through the spring of 2021 and likely beyond. These critical matching funds will make that possible.

Thank you again for all you have done so far. If you can do more before the end of the year it will be 100% matched and make sure that we may continue to provide critical support to all of our island community.

Wishing you joy and good health throughout the Holidays and beyond.