March 7 – 8, 2014, Orcas Island School

The Agricultural Resources Committee of San Juan County, Washington State University San Juan County Extension, and San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild are pleased to present the 2014 San Juan Islands Agricultural Summit which will offer a two- day program packed with information and inspiration, including a stellar line-up of keynote speakers and session leaders.

March 7, Hands-On Friday will include three workshops, 1:30-5:00 p.m., covering biochar production, farm-to-school programs, and farmstead butchering.

March 8, Summit Saturday features over 20 break-out sessions, a delicious local lunch cooked by chef Christina Orchid, a panel discussion with local San Juan County elected officials, a seed swap, and more. Follow the link below for the detailed schedule.

Keynote speaker Steve Jones, grain breeder and director of the WSU NW Research and Extension Center, Mt. Vernon, will inspire and challenge us with examples of successful innovation on small farms and in local food systems in the NW.

Keynote speaker David Montgomery, University of Washington geologist and author of Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, will explain the perfect parallel between the rise and fall of ancient civilizations and the state of their soils, bringing the message home and challenging all of us to restore our farmland soils.

Participating organizations include Organic Seed Alliance (OSA); Washington State University (WSU) NW Research and Extension Center; NW Agriculture Business Center (NABC); and the WA State Small Farms Team.

The summit will take place at the Orcas Island School, 715 School Rd., Eastsound, Washington. Scholarships and affordable accommodations are available.

To find out more about the schedule CLICK HERE. For accommodations contact Candace Jagel at (360) 370-7664 or VIA EMAIL. To register, go to BROWN PAPER TICKETS.

We hope you’ll join us on Orcas Island, March 7 & 8!