October 14 – 20, 2013

by Triana Elan, Astrologer

People on the east coast of the U.S. and parts of Europe and Africa will be able to see the full moon in the late degrees of Aries slide through the earth’s shadow in a partial eclipse on Friday. This won’t be a full eclipse but it will create a very interesting visual effect for those able to view it. For us on the west coast the penumbral eclipse will occur at 4:50 in the afternoon and we won’t see anything; 7:50 for the east coast.

As we move on into mid-October, we can expect some type of shift in our governmental mess, but not necessarily in a direction we all want (what else is new?!). With much of the pressure coming off in the Heavens, there is room for movement but it’s kind of like a fault line that gets overstressed and the ground on one side drops. I can’t say which side will drop, but watch for it. Should make for interesting reading, that’s for sure!

One person I’ve been watching closely is young Malala, the Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban for speaking out in favor of education. We are fascinated and charmed by her and she recently spoke before the United Nations at the age of 16. I look in wonder and realize how few of us are so ignited by a passion or a cause in such a productive way. Her words and wisdom are extraordinary and she has become a luminary in our jaded and cynical society. Malala is the face of a changing world, the fine young skin beneath the healing scar that is a broken society. When I see her and listen to her I am energized; I attribute this to my own strengths that have gone unexpressed, my own drive to champion people that has been silenced not by being wounded but by being distracted. There are so many distractions, so very many. Let’s not fall into that trap. Here is a list of a few of the distractions:

Left/Right, Democrat/Republican, White/Brown, Liberal/Conservative, East/West, Rich/Poor.

We often think of distractions as things that beckon the attention of the senses, like noises or bright flashes or traffic or other people. But really, the distractions are internal and composed of the labels we have accepted for ourselves and others. Through these labels of convenience, we describe each other, accuse each other, blame or praise each other. I think this has become very wearisome. Malala reminds me that labels are dangerous distractions, probably the most dangerous of all, because what is really there is unable to be seen. It is rendered invisible.

For this week, can we catch ourselves using labels, even if they are only thoughts? Let’s see what happens and how much of our time in society is spent labeling ourselves or others.




Libra (September 22 – October 23): Fiery Mars moves into your sector of Endings/Collective Unconscious this week, marking a period of mystery and discovery for you because of Mars opposing mysterious Neptune. You’ll likely have strange dreams and a sense of urgency without being able to mentally nail it down. Don’t worry about it; it signifies a highly creative time for you as well as a change of perspective and values. Your Ruler Venus is happily traveling through your sector of Thinking/Communicating as well, so this will give you the impetus to share what’s going on and see what companions you can find on your quest. Fun stuff, go for it!




Scorpio (October 24- November 22): You’re looking good this week! Fiery Mars moves into your sector of Friends/Goals this week, bringing others around you to support an idea or project. You, of course, will supervise! Seriously though, this is going to be a very good period for you as the tensions ease up and the flow changes from intense to productive and even social. Esteem-building Venus in your sector of Finances/Resources brings some good news on the financial front if she hasn’t already. In general, relax and enjoy this period of time; you’ve earned it!




Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): Venus in your sign is blowing kisses to mighty Uranus in your sector of Creative Expression. If you have an idea or are already engaged in a creative endeavor, don’t hold back! This transit is excellent and will benefit you greatly and in unexpected ways. Fiery Mars moves into your sector of Career/Highest Potential and opposes elusive Neptune in your sector of Home. This means you’re going to have to cast your nets out there since they won’t do any good sitting inside (neither will you). This week will be one of movement and terrific new contacts/connections if you get out there and make them happen.




Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Fiery Mars moves into your fellow Earth sign Virgo and this ignites your sector of Expansion/Spirituality. You will likely be drawn to new material normally outside of your genre and be hungry for things to feed your imagination. If you are a writer or artist you’ll begin to see the world in a different way and express it in that same different way. This indicates that your lens is changing and seeing things it hasn’t been able to focus on before. Use this time wisely because there is hidden treasure involved and you’ll have to work for it (fortunately that’s not a problem for you).




Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): Changes in the planets are reflected in your life now; Mars leaves your sector of Relationships and sails into your sector of Shared Assets this week; since he will oppose Neptune for the first week and a half or so, you may be unsure of what belongs to whom; this could bring about some conflict, but it will settle fairly quickly since Mars doesn’t have the patience to argue. It just likes to be right. So do you. Venus in your sector of Friends/Goals comes to your aid by singing to Uranus (your Ruler) so expect lots of social activity and unexpected visits or the sudden urge to go and visit your peeps.




Pisces (February 21 – March 20): Your Ruler Neptune in your sign will be opposed by Mars moving into your sector of Relationships this week; if you were born within five days of February 21st (or 20th, depending on the year), you may experience others who seem to have the sole purpose of starting an argument with you. This would be a good time to keep your mouth shut in mixed company, or even seemingly like-minded company. Venus in your sector of Career/Ultimate Potential blows kisses at unruly Uranus in your sector of Finances/Resources so focus on those two instead and get yourself ahead of the pack. You can then feel smug and wonder what the poor folk are doing!




Aries (March 21- April 19): This will be a week of forward movement and lots of action! Your Ruler Mars will leave your sector of Creative Expression and sail into your sector of Work/Health and that will give you the grounding you need to do stuff you’ve been putting off. You’ll be able to handle details with ease and swiftness. Esteem-building Venus is in your sector of Expansion/Travel and is blowing kisses at Uranus in your sign; you’re likely to feel so terrific that any bad news will be afraid to even approach you! You’re on an upswing now, finally!




Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Finally, Earth for you to grab onto! Energetic Mars sails into your companion Earth sign Virgo this week (your sector of Creative Expression) so you will be able to feel some amount of security and certainty as you move forward. Information comes to you that you’ve badly needed and you’ll be able to make sound decisions from that base, which always makes you feel better. You don’t do well with uncertainty. This week shows the potential for progress in general, so take a breather and be happy!





Gemini (May 21- June 20): If you were born on or within five days of May 21 you will feel the tension of Mars moving into Virgo and opposing Neptune in Pisces. This could put a strain on your relationships as the dream world awkwardly interfaces with the real world and doesn’t quite make sense to anyone but you. Being the air sign, you can comprehend the impossible most of the time, but this particular set of circumstances looks a bit dodgy and you may have to go back and retrace some steps. Be sure you’re seeing what’s there and not taking any shortcuts! In general it’s a much better week for all, so at least you’re likely to stay out of conflicts.




Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Fiery Mars travels into your sector of Thinking/Communicating this week and this would normally get you moving to distribute information but doubts are there because Mars will initially oppose Neptune in your sector of Expansion. This can go two ways; you may feel the urge to undertake a spiritual quest that is uncharacteristic for you or you may suddenly realize what you thought was true and right just isn’t for you anymore. Either way, the week holds a lot of magic for you as it will be a week to promote growth in a really good way! Things are looking up, so smile really big, even if it’s at yourself in the mirror!




Leo (July 23 – August 22): Energetic Mars leaves your sign this week and moves into your sector of Finances/Resources; since he will oppose Neptune for the first couple of weeks, you may find yourself in a situation where you are looking at unconventional ways of making an extra buck or two. You don’t like changes, but some changes are good for you and you’re one of the trendsetting signs so don’t be scared. You’re level-headed enough to know if something is real or not. Keep your ego in check this week to avoid drawing criticism and making you feel like you want to crawl into your den and hibernate. This is a time of movement, not being still!




Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Get ready! Energetic Mars moves into your sign this week, filling you with his flaming passion and the urge to move forward. He will oppose elusive Neptune at first, and this may tempt you to do more than you are capable of, so be careful and pace yourself. Mars will also be receiving signals from secretive Pluto in your sector of Creative Expression/Children; don’t be surprised to see some profound inner changes in the coming weeks as you practice your newfound skills and shed inner stuff you don’t need (like self-bashing). This is a potentially happy time for you and since you are the consummate nature lover, you’ll find that nature (even human nature) responds in kind. Have fun!