October 21 – 27, 2013

from Triana Elan, Astrologer

When Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio it can have a nasty personality. We start this week with Mercury now retrograde and very close to Saturn. Normally this would be more worrisome for individuals but what’s good is that the edge is taken off by benevolent Jupiter and imaginative Neptune. This will be an unusual retrograde because of those factors and will affect the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) most profoundly, along with water sign natives (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) in general. The fact that Mercury and Saturn are conjoined during this retrograde indicates restrictions and normal retrograde hassles from unexpected areas. Scorpio is the Keeper of Secrets so we could each have a situation where we find out that no matter how diligent we’ve been, something that’s been hidden comes to the surface in a very irritating manner.

While a retrograde Mercury is a hassle, there is no need to panic over it or worry about it; this past week has already shown us what kind of personality this retrograde will have; the new Affordable Health Care’s website being full of glitches, Facebook being down, spiders in the vents of cars that cause a recall…really dumb stuff that no one thought of. We’ll just have to find the humor in it and carry on while dealing with it.

I had already said this wouldn’t be an easy month…we’re now getting into the hardest part of it. Many folks are feeling stuck, paralyzed or trapped by the prevailing energies flying around but astrologically it makes sense if one understands that we’ve just ended a 25,000 year cycle and are starting a new one. Birth is never easy and being the midwives can be fraught with problems.

As we give way to winter, the best we can do is to be authentic, knowing that each of us is a representative of a value or a faith or a culture. No matter how many times we have to change masks in any given day, our best gift to ourselves is to be sure that we are comfortable within our own skin. Let’s go see what this retrograde brings, mano a mano (hand in hand)!




Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Mercury is now retrograde in your sign and backing up to conjoin Saturn again. If you skipped a step, forgot something or made a promise you didn’t keep it will come back to remind you in these next three weeks. There is still plenty of support for you as a water sign and hopefully you’ve been able to make full use of it. During this period, don’t overcommit and be sure to get time for yourself to rest and clear your head. There will be mixed messages coming in either from others or from within yourself now but you’re able to track down errant thoughtforms fairly easily. Just expect the usual retrograde hiccups and be careful around electronic or mechanical stuff.




Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): Venus in your sign is your single best friend right now. Mercury is retrograde in your sector of Endings so if there are loose threads hanging about they will show up in the coming weeks. Issues around home and hearth are likely to be the order of the day since Neptune in your sector of Home is beaming signals to Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio. Since Neptune is benevolent in his own sign it will likely all come out right, but you’ll have to put some grunt work in. If you’ve put yourself out there for employment or supplemental income, this will be the time you’ll be contacted, especially if it’s a road you’ve traveled before.




Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of Friends/Goals. Since Mercury is so close to Saturn, a slip in communication could cause a problem unanticipated by all (Mercury and Saturn are both in Scorpio, who prefers to hide things). Being an earth sign and incredibly practical, you may find yourself charmed by little miracles and fun occurrences due to Neptune beaming magical signals to Mercury and Saturn; don’t overly analyze things if that’s the case. Just take it in and enjoy it even if it’s against your practical nature to do so. This three week period will show you where weak links are and give you the information you need to shore them up.




Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): Mercury has gone retrograde in your sector of Career, and this is where Saturn is. During these weeks you may uncover some weak spots in the system that need to be weeded out, and if you are in a position of management it’s possible you might have to fire someone that’s been pilfering in some way. Neptune in your sector of Finances/Resources is beaming signals to Mercury and Saturn; with Mercury going backwards, the message may get garbled so you’ll have to really pay attention. Mars and Pluto are getting along beautifully in your sectors of Shared Assets/Endings so expect forward movement in terms of a joint venture, just double check everything in the coming weeks.




Pisces (February 21 – March 20): Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of Career and since Mercury has been hanging around Saturn it’s likely you can already see how this retrograde is likely to play out. Luckily, your Ruler Neptune in your sign is holding court by beaming powerful signals to those other two. This retrograde will have periods of intensity that will have a short half-life but potentially long-lasting effects if you’re not paying attention. Jupiter is acting in your favor over there in your sector of Creative Expression so it looks like this retrograde may involve your assisting others that get tripped up. Well, compassion is a hallmark of your sign, so go forth and dispense with it!



Aries (March 21- April 19): Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of Shared Assets. Look to your strongest houses this week, those being your sectors of Shared Assets, Endings/New Beginnings, Work/Health and Career. Put these all together and you have a flowing chain of events that, if you put them into motion, won’t fail you. This week will have some bumps due to the moon forming a couple of antagonistic aspects with the bigger guys but fortunately those only last a day and generally aren’t catastrophic. As long as you step back and assess rather than jump into a reaction you’ll be fine. Don’t push any envelopes now, just take it one task at a time.




Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Your sectors of Relationship, Goals/Friends, Expansion/Travel and Creative Expression are glittering this week. The glitch is Mercury being retrograde in the Relationships sector. The elements of earth and water serve you well as you move through your week; trust your guts because you’re super intuitive right now. If something doesn’t add up, don’t do it. It’s as simple as that. Sometimes you get very invested in an idea and forge ahead with determination only to find that you’re the only one on the team and the path ahead leads to loss no matter which way you go. This is a time to hone your instincts and draw from your past experience and really listen to that inner voice that tries to keep your feet firmly on the ground, which is where you like them to be!




Gemini (May 21- June 20): This week sees the elements of water and earth dominating everything and you are using parts of yourself that normally don’t get exercised; if you have major decisions facing you, try to examine each part to find the weak link. Your Ruler Mercury goes retrograde now so for the next few weeks you’ll really have to focus on details and double check everything. A good friend of mine once said, “Measure twice, cut once.” Mercury will be reversing through your sector of Work/Health; fortunately, there are other supportive planets coming to your aid in those sectors but you don’t want to take any chances.




Cancer (June 21 – July 22): More good than bad around even though Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of Creative Expression. The strong Scorpio influence is still with us, and many of you are in the flow still of the water trine although you may be feeling waterlogged in some ways! This won’t be a good time to try and launch a brand new project due to Mercury’s movement as well as its being so close to Saturn but if you are returning to something or beginning a new phase of something already underway you’ll quickly learn where the weak spots are and be able to fix them! Soldier on and know that you have the support you need where you least expect it.


Leo (July 23 – August 22):



Mercury is retrograde in your sector of Home for the next three weeks. Saturn has been hanging there and the sun will move in this week so there will be issues around your home intensifying for a while. The good thing about this situation is the support from imaginative Neptune helping you out and smoothing things over. Look to the area of your life that has to do with Shared Assets or anything else you share with others for solutions. Many hands make light work, so don’t be proud. With a load of water and earth elements, you may feel a lack of inspiration, but powerful Venus in bold Sagittarius is strong in your sector of Creative Expression so think outside the box!




Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Mars in your sign is in a beautiful trine with Pluto in your sector of Creative Expression so you’re not about to take any guff from Mercury being retrograde. Your gutsy side really comes out now and during this three week period of this retrograde you should be in pretty good shape due to other water sign planets supporting you. A couple of things may arise that will take the wind out of your sails for a minute, but you’re such a determined type that it won’t last for long. Most of the action is taking place in your sector of Thinking/Communicating so when corresponding with others, just double check to make sure your message is clear and concise.




Libra (September 22 – October 23): Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of Finances/Resources. With Saturn already there, you will need to keep an eye on your finances; be sure you’re not overspending and know that this isn’t a good time to buy electronic items or appliances or cars. If you absolutely have to, make sure warranties are offered and everything is tightly buttoned up so you don’t leave anything to chance. There isn’t any extra air in the heavens to lighten your mental load so you may feel like you have to work twice as hard to get half as much done. Chin up, you do have support and your primary mission is to get enough rest!