Monday, Nov. 16 from noon to 2 p.m. at the San Juan Island Library, Friday Harbor

— from the League of Women Voters San Juan Islands (LWV SJs) —

40th Legislative District Representative Kris Lytton will be the speaker at the upcoming membership meeting of the League of Women Voters of the San Juans. The meeting will be held at the SJI Library conference room from Noon until 2:00pm on Monday, November 16, 2015. Rep. Lytton, recently appointed to the Governor’s “McCleary Plan Work Group” will talk about education and the mandate resulting from the McCleary decision of 2012, in which the State Supreme Court ruled that the state was to properly fund K-12 education by 2018 and show measurable progress to that end in the intervening years. Currently the Legislature is being fined $100,000 per day for its failure to live up to that mandate.

In addition, and in anticipation of a future League meeting in which the discussion will be about Money in Politics, the League has also asked Rep. Lytton to comment on her personal experiences as a candidate for public office.

There will be a question and answer period following her remarks. The public is welcome.

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