Christopher Peacock points out the mostly-rotted base of the tree that fell last week

Summer’s end was announced with a mighty thud last Tuesday when a gust of wind blew over the century-old chestnut tree in the courtyard in front of Rosario Resort’s Moran Mansion.

General Manager of Rosario Resort, Christopher Peacock, pointed out bolts that were inserted into the tree in the early 1980s, and a narrow portion of the trunk that was still healthy, and shouldering the burden of the big tree’s weight.
That load was made even heavier by a full “crop” of the prickly horse chestnuts that grow on the tree’s branches every summer, plus the rain-soaked leaves from the day before.

The tree fell mid-afternoon, on a guest van; luckily the passengers were all inside the mansion. Arrangements were made to replace the transportation and the next day AAA took the damaged vehicle away.

A decision has not been made about a replacement for the tree, Peacock said.

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