Tuesday, June 12 4 – 7 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Orcas Health Care District is set for Tuesday, June 12, 4 – 7 p.m., at the Eastsound Fire Station.

I. Call to Order

II. Public Comment

III. Minutes

a. Approval of minutes June 5th, 2018 meeting
b. Update on minutes taker

IV. Resolutions

a. Clarify process on budget adoption
b. Review resolution for June 21st public hearing

i. Confirming 2018 Interim Budget
ii. Adoption of Preliminary 2019 Levy

V. Committee Updates

a. Finance Committee – (Fralick, Miller)

i. Update on X-Ray machine (Boteler)
ii. OMF Building transfer – scheduling inspection
iii. UW Budget Process and Timeline
iv. Discussion on long term financing options

b. Legal Committee – (Groundwater, Lange)
c. Communications Committee – (Lange, Boteler)
d. Staffing Committee – (Boteler, Groundwater)

i. Update on job posting, deadline, and applicants

e. Technology Committee – (Boteler, Miller)

i. Email account retention status
ii. Status of request for proposal for technology support

VI. Working Group Update

a. PFFAP grant application (Lange, Miller)

VII. Discussion Topics – TO BEGIN NO LATER THAN 6:00 PM

a. Review and possible adoption of Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest, and Public Records policies.
b. Review Proposed Meeting Guidelines
c. Process for selecting the seal

VIII. Public Comment
IX. Adjourn