from Janet Brownell, Preisdent Orcas Island Education Foundation

Usually around this time, you would be reading a call to artists to come make something out of a fish, or a box, or an egg for the Orcas Island Education Foundation’s annual event. This year we are doing something a little different. Actually, we’re doing a lot different!

For one thing – our “artists” this year will be students and classrooms at our public schools. Our theme this year is: the ocean. This seemed quite fitting as we are surrounded by water. We also consider our public schools an ocean of imagination and learning. And, quite frankly, our schools are trying to stay afloat – and the donations at Food For Thought will go a long way to helping fund programs next year.

While we hope many of our students will participate in making an art project inspired by the ocean – we are sending out a call to our island artists for help. If you are an artist, and would like to work in a classroom creating an ocean-inspired art piece – please contact Janet Brownell at

The second change for the event this year is the day we will be holding it. Usually it is held on a Thursday – but this year we will be hosting the event on a Saturday. Saturday, May 26th to be exact. That is the Saturday of Memorial Weekend.

Lastly, we will be changing venue locations. The event will take place at Four Winds Camp in Deer Harbor. And, inspired by the Memorial Weekend timing, it will be a barbecue! A barbecue, an auction, and a great time for all. Childcare will be available.

So – please mark your calendars for May 26th! This will be the Education Foundation’s most important fundraiser of the year. Our public schools will most certainly need extra funding next year, and this will go a long way to helping fill that need.