HB 1244, was introduced earlier this month to bring the per-student levy caps for all school districts in Washington up to the same level as the Seattle School District. The bill is currently co-sponsored by Rep Lekanoff,  Rep Ramel and seven other members of the House.

The Levy Cap Bill has been scheduled for a hearing in the House Appropriations Committee this Wednesday, Jan 25 at 4 p.m.

We need as many people as possible to sign into  “PRO and NOT WANTING TO TESTIFY”. This is a way for folks who care about the bill to be able to let the committee know about their support, without having to attend the meeting or speak.  

In order to do either of these options,

  1. Go to  https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/House#

  2. Select the committee “appropriations”

  3. Select meeting date “1/25/23”

  4. Select Agenda Item: “HB 1244 Levy Enrichment Authority”

  5. Select  ” I would like my position noted for the legislative record”

  6. Complete the form


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