Lily Huffstodt and Marta Branch hold sign that Lily made for her Senior Project

Lily Huffstodt and Marta Branch hold sign that Lily made for her Senior Project

Four Orcas Alternative Student-Initiated Studies (OASIS)  High School twere honored at a Commencement ceremony before teachers, friends and family at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church Hall on a brilliant, windy day today.

As the students walked in, Zach Edwardson teacher Gregory Books played a bluesy saxophone version of “Pomp and Circumstance.”

Superintendent Barbara Kline greeted the group and acknowledged the work of the OASIS students, their parents and family and friends, and the Orcas Island School Community. Then Orcas Island School Board President Janet Brownell took to the podium, and after a brief introduction, repeated Head Teacher Marta Branch’s words to the gathering. (Branch was in attendance, but recovering from pneumonia, and did not speak to the gathering.

Branch’s remarks included: “It is an urban myth that OASIS students “check in once a week… Students quickly find the privilege of flexible attendance means you’re not done until you complete all the work.

“OASIS students find the true meaning of ‘the buck stops here.’ They are their own team. I’m their cheerleader . . .  but then they do it.

OASIS graduates Carly Eli Bruce, Lily Huffstodt and Phillip Ghazel celebrate their achievement.

OASIS graduates Carly McNulty, Eli Bruce, Lily Huffstodt and Phillip Ghazel celebrate their achievement.

“Best of all, they know they can go forward and do whaterever is in their head. In the end, they all know the value of education.”

Valedictorian Lily Huffstodt presented the OASIS High School sign she made with her father.

Phillip Ghazel spoke of the art of teaching and said “It took me awhile to figure it out. .. thanks to the teachers for being a part of the story.”

Eli Bruce sported a kilt, sporeen and long socks underneath his graduation gown.

Carly McNulty said, “If I can do it, anyone can do it. Yay me!” She plans to continue studying at Skagit Valley Community College, online, while she works at Home Grown.

Superintendent Barbara Kline said, “Yay! all of you and congratulations.”

Kline, Brownell and School Board member and OASIS grad parent Tony Ghazel then passed out the diplomas. The graduates and guests then enjoyed a reception provided by OASIS staff including Patricia Goffney and Jill Sherman.

Other OASIS teachers are Kathy Collister, Corey Wiscomb and Don Weston.