Wednesday, August 24, 5:45 – 7:30 p.m., Religious Sisters of Mercy Property, Shaw Island

— from Ian Fawley, WSU–

ShawForestTourLong summer evenings are perfect for enjoying “twilight tours” of local forests. These free out-in-the-woods events are a chance to share ideas, see what others are doing, and look at real examples of challenges and solutions. The focus will be on forest health, including treatment of root rot areas, and thinning strategies to increase health and vigor.

We’ll also look at how to deal with some common invasive species, examine some old homestead sites, and look at some specimens of Puget Sound juniper, a recently-discovered rare species endemic to the San Juan Islands.

Each tour concludes with a potluck dessert, so please bring something sweet to share.

Dates/Times: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 from 5:45-7:30pm

Cost: FREE

Address: Religious Sisters of Mercy Property, Shaw Island

Further information is available at