Saturday, Feb. 11 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Library

The next Writer’s Roundtable deals with developing writers’ work through editing as Jennifer Brennock moderates a discussion entitled, “Don’t Cut Your Own Hair.”

Novelist Robert Stone says, “Revising is like cutting your own hair.” We all need a little help getting it straight in the back.

As writers, we’re communicators, and the only way to determine if our ideas have hit the mark is by sharing with fellow writers who can see our work while solidly positioned in the reader’s seat.

Peer feedback is important. We are often too close to our own work to see its flaws clearly, and we are often at a loss for words when asked to comment on another’s work. The ability to give and receive quality feedback is an essential skill of a writer.

Come to this roundtable and let’s discuss how to give feedback that is specific and useful no matter your previous writing experience. We’ll look at some original and revised works of literature and discuss the choices made in revision. After discussion, we’ll do a little reading and writing then practice our feedback skills. Bring your invisible lit scissors and we will help each other revise.

Jennifer Brennock earned an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Goddard College. Jennifer teaches creative writing and English composition. Excerpts from her memoir, Barren, can be read in Line Zero, Pitkin Review, and the anthology Becoming: What Makes a Woman. Her novel in progress, Not Jewish, is about a family refusing to blend. Jennifer’s Trigger Happy at

All are welcome to join “Don’t Cut Your Own Hair” this Saturday February 11, 1-3 p.m. at the Library.