Wednesday, June 5, 1—3 p.m., Orcas Senior Center (Part One)

By Marla Johns, Director, Orcas Island Senior Services

Orcas Fire and Rescue, Hearts & Hands, Orcas Medical Foundation, Lahari and the Senior Center team up to help you prepare for an emergency!

Orcas Island Fire and Rescue, Hearts & Hands, Orcas Medical Foundation, Lahari and Orcas Senior Center have begun a collaborative effort to streamline services to seniors. As a part of the collaboration, the group is sponsoring a two day educational event to assist people in preparing for a medical emergency. The collaborative group, now known as Orcas CARES, has named this event “What If . . . ?”

June 5th at 1:00pm at the Senior Center, join a panel of experts for a discussion regarding medical emergencies. The panel (comprised of an emergency room physician, assistant fire chief, and social worker) will discuss with the audience what happens when we experience medical emergencies. The importance of having up to date information regarding next of kin, medications, and medical history will be stressed. The panel will also discuss POLST forms and how to complete them if you desire. There will also be a question and answer time, so come prepared to ask any questions you may have regarding emergency response procedures.

Thursday, June 27, 9 a.m.— 1 p.m., Orcas Senior Center (Part Two)

On June 27th, the group will present the second half of “What If . . .?” Between the hours of 9:00am-1:00pm, anyone who wants to prepare their packet of information can come to the Senior Center. Volunteers will assist you in completing the ‘in-case-of-emergency’ forms and members of OIFR will conduct baseline vital signs and a baseline EKG. Once your packet is finished, you’ll be treated to a free meal. If you are there between 9am-11am, you’ll get a free delicious breakfast; 11am-1pm and you get a free lunch! Not only will you leave with a completed packet of information that first responders can use in case of an emergency, but you’ll leave with a full stomach, too.

We hope you will make time to attend this important two-day event. For more information, call Marla Johns at 376-2677.