IMPORTANT NOTE: A total of 17 previous cases have been removed from the list of confirmed cases in San Juan County. These are cases that occurred after June 1, 2021 and were first identified by a positive over-the-counter COVID test result, but were not confirmed in a subsequent PCR lab test. This adjustment brings San Juan County in alignment with WA State Department of Health reporting protocols.

Since the last update on Friday August 20, there have been six new confirmed cases in San Juan County. The total number of cases is now listed at 250 (see note above about adjustment of case list that explains total count discrepancy from last week’s report).

Of these six new cases, initial investigations indicate that at least one appears to have occurred in a fully vaccinated individual.

There are approximately six unvaccinated close contacts of positive cases who are currently in two-week quarantine.Note that vaccinated close contacts do NOT need to quarantine and this number would be far higher if not for the relatively high vaccination rate in San Juan County.

The transmission sources for these new cases are mostly unknown. One is due to household contact with a positive case, and another is due to out of state travel.

LOPEZ ISLAND: There is one new case on Lopez Island since the last update. There is one positive case under active monitoring on Lopez Island.

ORCAS ISLAND: There are no new cases on Orcas Island since the last update. There are no positive cases under active monitoring on Orcas Island.

SAN JUAN ISLAND: There are five new cases on San Juan Island since the last update. There are seven positive cases under active monitoring on San Juan Island.

SHAW ISLAND: There are no new cases on Shaw Island since the last update. There are no positive cases under active monitoring on Shaw Island.


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