President Gerald Ford authorized EMS Week in 1974 to celebrate Emergency Medical Services practitioners and their essential work in our nation’s communities. National EMS Week brings together local communities and medical personnel to honor the dedication of those who provide day-to-day lifesaving services, reflecting the theme of 2023: “Where Emergency Care Begins.”

As EMS providers, we train constantly in preparation to respond to all types of emergencies, striving to be at our best for someone else in their worst moments. This readiness to perform our duties requires years of training, long shifts, time away from family, and many missed hours of sleep. Those sacrifices pale when compared to the gratitude we feel as we serve our community,the pride from helping other people, and the humility that every challenging case provides. Looking back over our EMS careers, we are bolstered in the quiet moments, knowing we have made a difference.

This year we celebrate the incredibly talented Nurses, Paramedics, EMTs, and Physicians, Fire Fighters, and Law Enforcement personnel who provide compassionate care for our island communities. Together with Orcas Fire & Rescue, San Juan EMS, San Juan Fire & Rescue, Lopez Fire & EMS, Shaw Fire, Peace Island Medical Center, Island Primary Care Orcas and San Juan County Sheriff’s Department (including Dispatchers!); we are part of a local system of emergency responders who are always ready to serve San Juan County.

With heartfelt gratitude and the most profound respect, Island Air Ambulance wishes all Emergency Medical Services Personnel a happy and healthy EMS week 2023!


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