By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

Washington State Ferries and the San Juan County Ferry Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting in Friday Harbor on Tuesday, December 14 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Location: County Council hearing room, across from the courthouse at 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor.

WSF officials will provide information, answer questions and hear public comments on a variety of issues, including current operations, system efficiencies and reform, the 2011 legislative session, the new vessel program and WSF’s action plan in response to the Passenger Vessel Association report.

WSF and the County Ferry Advisory Committee hope to receive ideas and input from people who use the routes that serve the San Juan Islands in advance as well as at the meeting. Internet users may offer input in advance via the County website

Additional information, including the Passenger Vessel Associations report and an opportunity to provide comments and ask questions in advance, are available in the Ferry Advisory Committees section of the County website at:

For those unable to attend the meeting, video and audio of the meeting will be streamed live on the San Juan County website. Open your web browser to: and watch the meeting there.

During the meeting, questions will be taken from the floor and also may be sent via email to:   Additional information is available on the “Ferry Information” section of the County website.

Please note: First time users may need to download a “plug-in” so the video will show in your browser, so it is best to visit the site ahead of time by visiting the County Councils site and click to watch a recorded meeting: