Golf Club owner Justin Taylor donates time and expertise to keep Eastsound Village Green's grass growing. Photo courtesy of Fred Klein

By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

Volunteers have donated more than 1200 hours of work to stretch the San Juan County Park and Recreation Department’s budget in the last year. They’ve helped everything from making sure doggie cleanup bags are stocked to cutting back brush and greening up the parks.

The volunteer crew is essential at Eastsound Village Green Park on Orcas because the County Department has no regular staff person at the park. Fred Klein, called “Super Volunteer” by park staff, has found resources and coordinated volunteer efforts which have helped make Village Green an award-winning showplace.

This year he worked with other volunteers, including Justin Taylor, Kevin McCoy, Patrick Bennet, Steve Pearson and Chuck Greening to aerate and re-seed the Green to ready it for the spring growing season. Klein gives a special thanks to Taylor for donating the use of his tractor and aerating equipment. Taylor (who owns and maintains the Orcas Island Golf Club) went over the VG three times and reiterated his offer to do it again in the spring. Fred then hand cast grass seed on bare spots, particularly in front of the Stage and in the area used by the Saturday Market,

Volunteers who would like to help keep County’s parks on San Juan, Shaw, Orcas and Lopez Islands in top condition, should contact the Park and Recreation Department office at (360) 378-8420.

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