Request for Qualifications for Assistance with Technical Review of the San Juan County Shoreline Master Program Update Documents

San Juan County requests Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from citizens interested in volunteering for appointment to the Shoreline Master Program update Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The committee is tasked with reviewing documents for consistency with update guidelines, the shoreline management act, other programs, accuracy, methodology and scientific validity.

Scope of Work

The scope of work consists of assisting the County in reviewing the shoreline inventory and characterization report, the shoreline environment designations, cumulative impacts analysis, the restoration plan and other associated documents as needed.

As a volunteer committee, the TAC will assist the County by reviewing the draft documents prior to their publication for public review. The TAC is not expected to evaluate policy issues or regulations beyond whether they meet appropriate intellectual standards and whether the projected outcomes are logically consistent.

The TAC will also work to ensure consistency between draft documents and other governmental programs that effect shoreline resources in San Juan County. The TAC is expected to provide written comments for each document in an electronic format within 3 weeks of receipt.


At a minimum, applicants must have a bachelors degree from an accredited university in a discipline related to the marine shoreline environment’s physical or biological processes.

The County is seeking people with a combination of academic achievement and work experience in the following disciplines listed by priority:

1. Coastal Geomorphologist

2. Marine Fisheries Biologist

3. Wetland Specialist (Coastal)

4. Stormwater Specialist

5. General Ecologist

6. Wildlife Biologist

7. Land Use Planner

8. Hydrologist

9. Geologist

10. GIS expert

Evaluation Criteria

SOQs must contain sufficient information to establish the applicant’s credentials, including:

• Understanding of physical or biological processes in marine shorelines;

• Familiarity with the legal requirements of Shoreline Management Act and update guidelines;

• Experience working with local, state and federal agencies;

• Experience reviewing and evaluating technical reports;

• Ability to meet the project timelines.

Submittal Requirements

Proposals should consist of, but not necessarily be limited to, six copies of the following:

• A statement of interest pertaining to participation on the TAC;
• A curriculum vitae stating your qualifications covering relevant academic achievement and work experience;
• Two references.

Qualifications must be received no later than 4:30 PM on May 16, 2011. Please submit SOQs to:

San Juan County Community Development & Planning Dept.
P.O. Box 947
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

(360) 370-7573

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