Revised Nov. 20

The Orcas Vikings Football Team faced the super-size Tacoma Baptist Crusaders and came out victors in the Quarterfinal Playoffs of the State 2 B Football game in Oak Harbor today.

The Vikings launched an opening touchdown drive as the game began. Orcas led 14-0 until 5 seconds before the half, when the Crusaders scored a touchdown and extra point, following an impressive defense by the Vikings, whom sportscasters compared to professional football players.

In the second half, the Vikings first drive was unsuccessful but when the Crusaders took possession, they fumbled the ball. It was recovered by Aubrey Schermerhorn who ran it out for an Orcas  first down.

Quarterback Robbie Padbury threw and Michael Langworthy caught  a 20-yard pass for an new drive. A pitch into the end zone was tipped away at the last minute.

Jacob Hansen as running back caught the ball,and was injured in the ensuing tackle. Padbury also was hobbled by a leg injury and Daniel Briggs came into the game periodically to give Padbury a break.

The Vikings managed to take up more than half the fourth quarter on the drive, which was ultimately unsuccessful. Throughout the fourth quarter, Tacoma receivers repeatedly dropped the ball, but on the last drive one of their passes held and resulted in a game-tying touchdown and kick with 3 and half minutes left in the game.

The Vikings returned with a vengeance, and Orcas receivers stepped up the game, with a “clutch performance catch” by Rylan Date,  and repeated catches by Devon Stanzione,  Michael Langworthy (both taking hits by Crusader linemen)  and Keenan Phalan.

With 41 seconds remaining in the game, Padbury threw another of his “frozen rope” passes, caught by Devon Stanzione, though he was engulfed by Tacoma defenders. The one-point kick was good.

The Crusaders were unable to make good on their last drive, and the clock was allowed to run out in the last minutes of the game.

Orcas went into today’s game undefeated except for an earlier loss to the same  Crusaders earlier this year.The Vikings’ opponent next weekend for the Semi-finals at the Nov. 26 at 4 p.m. in the Tacoma Dome is not yet known.

Radio Station KWLE 1340 AM out of Anacortes broadcast the game live; their report can be heard  online at